As a licensed psychotherapist in Los Angeles, I invite individuals and couples into my practice, and into my care. I enjoy engaging with a diverse range of clients, helping them to cope more effectively with the demands of their lives.
Life can be hard— for all of us. Therefore, my goal as a therapist is to provide for each client a working relationship that feels safe, empowering, and collaborative.
Much of my work is devoted to couples, and strengthening and healing the bond of love and commitment. When I work with you, I strive to create an environment in which you and your partner feel heard and validated. Together, we develop a greater understanding of the triggers, patterns, and underlying causes that contribute to your pain, find ways to ease your challenges, and develop pathways back to joy, health and tenderness.
For most people–whether in individual or couple therapy– the work we do together leads to enhanced self-esteem, improved self-knowledge, and deeper, more connected relationships. This is my hope for you, too.
People who seek therapy have courage, and I am honored to be a part of your process.
Hello and Welcome
"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -Anaïs Nin